Find Us In New Plymouth

Our toddler room is for children aged between 18 months to two years and 6 months. We have a 1:6 ratio, this includes 5 full time teachers and up to 23 children at one time. Toddlers are busy curious beings, eager to learn about the world around them, striving for more independence as they develop their identities as autonomous learners. To support their learning, we offer a range of new and exciting learning experiences, that incorporate mess, fun, and creativity, while learning with and alongside others. Viewing our children as capable and confident people we offer an empowering environment where they are encouraged to make decision that concern their wellbeing and learning. We recognise they are full of big emotions as they navigate their independence and social skills and view these valuable available learning opportunities.

"All children accomplish milestones in their own way, in their own time".

– Magda Gerber


little minds